Stephen’s last word are (Acts 7:51-60) about how the people should repent. I was greatly impressed by the boldness that he had when he said that they resisted the spirit of God or the Holy Spirit. He continues to talk about the fact that the people were receivers of the disposition of Angels. I wonder what this might be. I can see that it might be referring to the fact they have received the living gospel of Jesus Christ. I thought that they have been baptized as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. I am not sure. I also found that the when they were cut to the heart I was reminded of the brothers of Nephi. Laman and Lemuel both were cut the the center because they  knew that they had done wrong. I wonder if this was the same thing.
The next thing that Stephen says is very astonishing. He looks up into heaven and sees the Glory of God with Jesus standing on the right hand of God. When he sees this he also proclaims it. I can only imagine what he might be seeing. I would really want to know. The very last thing that he says is that the sin that the people are doing to him that they would be forgiven, wow such a humble man, full of forgiveness. We can learn so much about the Godhead from this scripture. We know that Stephen first talked about rejecting the Holy Spirit and then he talks about how he sees the Son of God standing on the right hand of God. To me if they were all one spirit he would have said something else. But he mentioned all three. I think that we can see that they are separate distinct individuals.
Now I would like to compare the death of Abinidi a prophet from the Book of Mormon with the death of Stephen. (Mosiah 17:7-20) These both are men that stand up for what is right. They are both trying to teach that God is who he says he is. I find that they are both speaking about the Godhead. But most importantly they both have a very firm faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. I think that it is not a coincidence that these men both seal their testimonies with their blood. I also found that they both said at the end “O God, receive my soul”. Then they gave up the ghost. I think that they were very dedicated servants. Now with this light we must look at our own lives and see how we can do better. For myself I want to be a better disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ. I don’t know if I would lay down my life at this point in my conversion but I want to be. I will do a much better job at studying the Gospel and to learn of Christ. Become like him. I know that this gospel is True the Church of Jesus Christ will bring you closer to God. Even as Stephen and Abinidi.