Well this is just the beginning of a very fun year. We are so excited!

Lets start out with a little story. Our family is striving to become. And part of our learning is to over come our emotional outbursts because they can be fairly volatile, or at least a bit more than we should. About a few months back I was home with the children and they were not quite doing as they should. Which led me to be a bit more mad than I should have been. Which pushed me to throw the door in their room open harder than I should. Leaving a door sized hole in the wall. For months I never thought anything of it. Until one day….

I was looking for my charger and found that it was missing. After asking my children one of my boys replied that he knew where it was. I then pointed to the hole and said that is was stuck in there. I couldn’t believe it! So after that I opened it up and found this:

I often think about how things like this come up. It was really fun to see the honesty and integrity that my son showed when he told me that the charger was in the wall. It gives me hope and faith that I am doing something right.

I love my children, and most recently have found my children have very distinct and unique personalities. It is interesting that some of them have more sensory challenges over others. I have noticed that there are so many different things that some children react to and others react to so differently.

I have read the book Personality Plus and there are four categories that stick out. Phlegmatic, Choleric, Sanguine, and Melancholy. These all will combine together in a person and will create your unique personality. I have five very different children and have noticed that there trends to be certain personalities that have particular sensory challenges.

We have desired to help some of children have a task or even something that will help them overcome these challenges and so we have gotten fish tanks. These give some of the children opportunities to expand their responsibility by feeding them. They also are given chances to sit in front of it and just watch the fish swim around. Both of these activities might help different children, but the result is similar. They are calming and really help the children feel more able to confront the world around them.

Others need time to think, concentrate, and just put the little details together. We love our melancholy lives. And puzzles seem to do the trick for a those challenged with focus challenges.


For the other children that just don’t have the patience or ability to sit and focus, we needed a mini playground. This bed, desk, Lego platform, and climbing wall has been a miracle in these little lives. I have been so blessed to have the direction that we have had to help our children over come these challenges. I know that it has been the materials that have been offered through life that we have this understanding. It has even been something that has begun to grow in the young minds of our children.

We are so thankful for such wonderful children.I have felt that this has been the message that I have needed to takeaway from these last few months. The best part is seeing the children interact with each other. Edifying there siblings and caring for each other. They are so fun to watch. I am shocked that the youngest is approaching 2 years old (only 18 months) and the oldest is only a year away from turning 8 years old. This is so humbling for me, and makes me wonder if they are learning everything that they need to know so they will be ready for the opportunity to be baptized as this next coming year makes it way into our lives.