In 1 Thessalonians 1:1–6; 2:1–13; 2 Thessalonians 1:11–12; 3:7–9; we can find there are different actions that Paul did while he was a missionary.

  • He behaved orderly around all saints
  • He prayed always
  • He had faith
  • He labored in love
  • He had patience
  • He was gentle among the people
  • He labored and travailed
  • He behaved himself
  • He exhorted and comforted and charged every one
  • He walked worthy of God
Now there are many things that we can take from this. I would like to talk about how missionaries can benefit from it. Think to your self how can missionaries act and teach more in a godly manner. Well there are many things that I could say but I will focus on the aspects that I found above when I made a list of the actions that Paul performed while he was on his mission. I believe that every missionary must have faith. They must have a belief in the Savior Jesus Christ. These missionaries need to have patience so that they can be gentle and labor with love as a servant of the lord Jesus Christ. I really like the part that Paul behaved himself while he was teaching the people. I found this very interesting because these missionaries that serve are only 19 – 25. Still young and mischievous which could not always be a good thing. So as a missionary we must behave ourselves so that we can show that we are true followers of the Lord. One thing that all missionaries seem to do is exhort but what about comforting. We all need to be comforted and because the missionaries are so close to the spirit they are definitely ones to help us out spiritually. The last thing that missionaries can do is to be more godly is to walk worthy of God. This can be a challenging task. But we are not always inclined to do it. It takes lots of effort. We can accomplish this task by reading the scriptures, praying and doing those things that I mentioned above. We must strive to always have the spirit with us, when we have the spirit we will be closer to being able to walk with God.
Now I have served a mission so I might say I don’t need to do anything with this. But I would be completely wrong. We are all missionaries. I would say I would need to learn to be more patient and caring. This comes with time. One way to increase my patience would be to take the time to read the scriptures. Sometimes it takes a little more love. Other times it takes leaving the situation. But one thing that I know is we have to move, do something, and we will receive our reward.