Well I guess I have need to learn to post more frequently on this blog. From the last time I posted we have one more child and we have been so blessed to have such wonderful boys in our family. Things just can’t be better. I have often wondered what it was like to have children. At times I feel that things just get challenging but there are more times that I feel so much love for my children. It is not a love that everyone says is the “love” you feel for a person you like. It is a deep love. A love that extends through time. And if you read my past blogs you would know that time is something that can extend into space itself. I love my family more deeply than I can even explain. I know that this love comes from the very God that gave us life. Our Heavenly Father can tell us how much he loves us but I find that I didn’t understand that love until I had children. I took this love for granted. It is something that we really need to give all that we have to. There is not enough time to give all we have.
There is lots to consider with children but the most common thing that I find I keep looking to is how can I give these wonderful children what they need to have a life here on earth that our Heavenly Father will be proud of. I am so proud of my boys I can only imagine how my Heavenly Father feels towards me. The eternal plan is very much centered on Family’s. We can’t make it without them. I love my family so very much.