So I have not had the time to devote to this blog but now I feel I need to be more diligent. I have had a lot of things change in our lives. We have the two boys and now we are expecting two more. At this time we are expecting twin boys. We are very excited. At the same time my wife and I have started our own business. The information that is available through this company is very good. Being a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints drives me to be a better person. I felt that this was always attainable, but as of late it has been interesting to note that as we bought our home, purchased a car, and trying to stay on top of everything I have felt that it was getting harder and harder to become free. Free that is from our debts, and free to have more time with our children.

At this point we were not in debt with school debts, but we had this car payment, and a mortgage payment. Then to put everything on top of that we were expecting twins, which comes with the thought that we were going to have to purchase doubles of everything. This was something that loomed over our heads. Also we were really struggling to keep positive cash flow in our budget, every month seemed to have just a little bit more negative cash flow. We never seemed to be negative in the bank account, because we seemed to get those bonuses just as we needed them. But we seemed to be spending more than we were making every month, and it seemed to be getting worse.

That is when we started to follow the Financial Fitness Program that our business was promoting. This was not an easy task but it has opened our view to the wonderful path ahead. We have now been 3+ months with positive cash flow and it seems to be easier and easier to keep on this path.

We also have begun to catch a small glimpse of our purpose in life. We both have great family and we have noticed that there are some that will need to have assistance as the years progress. This was something that we have always wanted to be able to do, that is to help those that will need our help. But currently we have realized that we are in a Financial Matrix that is keeping us from obtaining that dream. The greatest hindrance is our finances. So we are now on a path to a greater future, and that couldn’t of happened with out LIFE Leadership. We can now see our dream clearer than ever and we will be able to help those in need sooner than we could have before.