What does it mean to have twins?

Some think, double cribs, double car seats, double trouble, double the bill, double the effort, double diapers, double effort, double the pain, and more. All of these things seem to have a negative connotations. Where things are hard and never or mostly not worth it. And if you only look at that it just may be.

What if you think, double the fun, double the joy, double the blessings, double the learning, double the smiles, double the hugs, double the greatness in the world, double the eternal significance. Thinking this gives us hope. It gives us the desire to continue and press onward. Giving us a dream, to change the world. The scriptures tell us that we will find joy in our posterity (2 Nephi).

This kind of self talk gives us a successful outlook on the challenges that might come as we learn together as brothers and sisters in this wonderful world. We can make a difference and the world will know, we are a force for good. There is greatness in the followers of a God who cares. He wants us to succeed and wants us to get the ultimate goal and dream that is to live with Him in the Celestial Kingdom.