So I am nearing the last bit of my Masters Degree. I have about 2 weeks left and I have much to show. There are lots of things that are happening and I am so grateful for the things that I have been able to do. It has been hard to keep focus through these last semesters. I feel that it has been that way because I have tasted a bit of what the life after school brings.

It has been interesting to find that there are lots of options out there, and some work better than others. I have recently found my way into an entrepreneurship direction and I see a way out that wasn’t really there before. A way out of Debt. A way out of a life of being leveraged to leverageing the way I should leverage. A way to live the Life I have always wanted. I have learned so much about how to think Big and to allow myself to learn to accomplish anything that I can desire.

This last year I had the opportunity to decide to run a Marathon. It was not my first choice at first. I had told myself that I would never run that far, it was something that only my crazy brothers and dad accomplished. Well, that crazy brother, Brent, asked me to run the Top Of Utah (TOU) marathon and I initially said no, I don’t think that would be the best thing to do. Well, my very smart wife told me that I would not be seeing my brother possibly for a while because he has chosen to finish his degree out side of UT, possibly so this just might be the last time I could run with him. That, with the newly found desire to DO, I changed my mind and ran.

It was not the easiest thing I have ever done. I really had to look for the Best “Self Talk” I could muster. I found it was possible through the Edge Series that I found the most motivating Self Talk I have been able to come up with. It was always there building me up to accomplish and succeed.

I ended up finishing about 4 hours and 05 minutes. Which I felt was the fastest thing I have ever run. I was expecting to find out that my brother had finished around 3 hours. And to my astonishment he came in at 3 hours and 55 minutes. I was just behind him and I couldn’t believe how close we were. I came to a spot in the race, about 25 miles and I felt like I couldn’t go any more. I believe that I slowed down just enough that I made that gap bigger. I know now that if I continue to build my “Self Talk” that there will be the possibility to finish before my brother. I know I can and I will when I run that race again.

We can accomplish anything that we set our minds to and I know that when we decide to DO we will DO. It takes that decision and we will make it work. This in turns fuels our inner desire to Do More and we will seek to find ways to make this world a better place. If we just Believe.