Life as a father of four under four has really been a blast. The ride is amazing for all of those reading this. I can find my self pondering on the many blessings I receive daily because of these very amazing children. They are certainly the light of my life. I also find my self with needing to make sure my time is spent in the right way. Which makes me wonder if I am not dedicating all the time I need to writing to this blog. I feel that I need to redeem this and really take the time to share my learning’s and growing’s. For it is when we share that we learn the most.

My last blog was about how I was coming to a close on a season and I had really learned lots from running a marathon. Well I must confess that was not really a close of a season it was the beginning of a journey. The best part of the race was how it was a foundation for the following journey. I have found that there are many different things that have been sustaining for me on this journey. I have a wonderful family that keeps me targeted towards my greatest dreams.

My wife, is the most wonderful person in my life. She is amazing to me, the amount of teaching she does at home, the amount of guiding of our children to a better future is hard for me to comprehend how she does what she does. It always seems that she is accomplishing one more thing that I have no idea how she does it but she does. I am so grateful for her and the dedication she has to our Lord and Savior.

The beautiful children I have are all boys, active boys that keep me Keeping On. The oldest, our 4 year old. Is so smart, loving, kind, thoughtful, and helpful. I am so amazed every day he decides to reach out and share his heart with someone in need. I find that this happens the most at home, (or at least this is where I seem to notice it the most). He will find ways to help his youngest two brothers stay happy and cared for. The point of when they start crying, the bottle is rolling away, and mom and dad are not able to help. He will “rescue” his little brother and help him in anyway possible.

The next oldest, our 3 year old, has the kindest heart I can every imagine. He will step in when every he can to help cheer up the sad, giving light to those in despair. He finds a way, however he does it, to bring a smile to every one he sees. I love this kid. He reaches out with a love that I am only just beginning to understand.

The next two are the same in age and I am very shocked to say that they are almost 6 months old! I am so shocked that they are growing so fast. Our life is so much better with these two very special angels. They are just starting to interact with each other and getting to the point of sitting up. Almost getting to the point of crawling. It won’t be long till they do. The smiles that these two have are priceless. And they are so cute, who can resist, I can’t!

With all these blessings I have a hard time not thinking on how did I come to these realizations. I can remember about a year ago I would find reasons to leave home. I would look for projects to do at work that would take more time, I would get really frustrated with the noise, chaos, activity, and movement that these youngsters would bring. But now I seem to find more ways to be with them, of course I am not always doing this but it is definitely a driving direction that I am going.

I find it that about a year ago I was introduced to the idea that I could live the life I always wanted. I know that before I got the blessing of having children I wanted to be their best friend. I wanted to spend the most time with them I could. I think I was headed in a direction that was circumventing that vision. I am so grateful for the association I get with LIFE Leadership. For the people that are moving in the direction of a better life helped me to find a way to re kindle that vision and to begin to live it every day.

Knowing that the Lord has given us a prophet to follow and to know how to find truth that inspires, uplifts, and edifies for the better I know that our life will only get better every day as we apply the little habits to enrich the moments.