I am so blessed to have the blessings I have! It is so great to know that there are so many things working in my favor. If it is blessing my life, it is surely blessing yours, too. This conference was by far the best! I want to share a few thoughts that came to me this year.

The overall message that I got was the Lord wants us to make it! Everything the speakers talked about was for me to help me achieve the things that I want to achieve as long as they are with in the desires of the Lord. The Lord wants to help us to serve more and with more intent. This begins with an attitude of love. Do I find ways to obey the promptings I get, do I find ways to give more to those I am around?

All of these things are for our good and so we can have Joy. This life is meant for us to experience Joy. I love this because we feel the most joy as we serve, love and reach out to others. For me, I need to reach out more with Home Teaching and my family.

As I listened to conference I found some very interesting insights. I have had the opportunity to work for a Masters Degree and a Bachelors Degree in an Engineering pursuit, Through the years of these studies I had little correlations with conference and my chosen degree. This was my experience, and it was interesting to me to compare it to the opportunity I am pursuing while I continue in my carrier choice of Engineering. On the side I have begun to build communities of people that strive for excellence. Every talk in some way was directly influential and helpful for that career. It was very comforting to me that this career of building communities fits so well into the messages of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

As we deny ourselves of the things that drive the spirit away we will find the great blessings of the spirit enter our lives that will help us to fulfill the things we want to achieve. The very last song taught me I have been told the gospel truth, now it is time to raise my voice and share the those things that I have learned. Now as you read this I hope you have found something that will help you to share more of Christ so that your posterity will know to what source they can look for a remission of their sins.

I want to leave with one thought that was said by one of the speakers.

If your children only learn the gospel from what you know, how much would they know?