I have been thinking of a few things lately. This is due to a recent oportunity to refinance our mortgage from a 30 year loan to a 15 year loan. I realized it was because of a program that has taught me financial literacy. This program is called the Financial Fitness Program. I wouldn’t even be in a position to even consider such an option with out this financial program. The 47 principles sets you up for so many options that opens more doors to live the life you have always wanted.

I was reading a blog from a person that uses this program and I found there thought very interesting. It was about how much it actually costs to have debt. Consider these numbers and then consider is it worth it to have financial literacy.

Knowing this makes me think that I can’t afford not to know financial literacy.

Here are just the averages…
Car Payment Interest = $ 113.09
House Payment Interest = $ 843
Credit Card Interest = $ 196.38

Student Loan Interest = $ 240.86

Households that have all four debts average $1,200-$1,400 in INTEREST DEBT monthly!