Its Memorial day and I have had some time to reflect on the happenings of my life. I haven’t had much opportunity to focus on this blog but I find I need to start making more time to. To post gives me a chance to record things that I can remember later. It really is important to record and to reflect. It can help you to really understand things that can teach you volumes

I was blessed with the opportunity from my mom. She sent me a photo that has really caused me to reflect.

There are many that find out how many children I have and the first question or sometimes phrased in a comment. Is your life crazy? I think this picture really shows this. The answer to the question is well yea its crazy, so what?

In the picture you can see that there are three children in my arms and then two more at my feet. The two boys in my arms are my twins, who are 2 1/2 years old then the little princess is about 9 months old. Then there are the two at my feet who are 6 years old and 4 years old. They are trying to hold me down while I attempt to make some progress across the room.

I love these blessed souls. I have found that they all are so very different in their own unique way. It really helps me to know what their personality is. I have been forever grateful for the information and explanations of personality that the LIFE community has helped me to learn. The book in particular that has helped me the most is “Personality Plus by Florence Littauer” which has shown me different personality’s and how to interact with them the best.

This week in church we discussed the ministering aspect of faithful Christians. It was interesting to me that someone was having the hardest time finding a bit of time for others to come into their family to share or serve them. The main reason was because there were four children and the time it took to care for them was just to much to coordinate just one more event. And to be honest it is really hard to make that time schedule and to coordinate yet just one more thing. But having five children it seems that this is a every hour occurrence.

I have thought about it and it really comes down to what you make of the time you have. There are moments that we are at the park. I happen to be the only adult around and so we all go. This is such a great time for the children because they get to play.

Is this easy for me, Not A Chance!. But I do it for them. I make the time to add experiences and opportunities that will strengthen them when I am not necessarily around. Its OK to be uncomfortable in the moments. It is key to find the purpose of what you want to teach your children. Then it is up to you to exemplify that. When it is hard for you it is key to take the stand and to do it despite your opposition.

Life is way to short to pass opportunities to stretch our comforts. Take the time to lean into it and go the extra mile. This reminds me of the 5K we participated in here on this fine memorial day. My wife is so amazing. She has done lots of 5K walks and really works hard to stay in shape. This year she wanted to take the time to stretch just a bit more. So she ran the 5K instead of walking it. This was her first time running it. She completed it with a personal best time and now knows she can do anything that she can put her mind to.

In order to make that happen we did have to enlist the help of one more hand. We are grateful for grandparents that take the time to reach out and help when it is possible. For without that we really would have a challenge on our hands.

The biggest thing I want to emphasize is that life is a challenge and the only way we over come the challenges is if we get in and get dirty. Sometimes we just make mistakes and we have to clean up the mess later. However, it is so much more rewarding to just get in and take the time to reach out and thrive. For when we are engaged in a could cause we are blessed by God to continue and to thrive even more.

Keep on Keeping On!

Derek Nelson