Paul went on his second mission to Antioch, Tarsus, Derbe, Lystra, Iconium, Antioch, Troas, Philippi, Thessalonica, Berea, Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, Caesarea, then to Samaria. He then later wrote epistles that are now in the bible to the people of Philippi, Thessalonica, Corinth, Ephesus.
There were a couple of ways that the Lord talked with Paul. In Acts 16:6-10; 18:9-11 Paul has two dreams that the Lord talks with him in. The first he is shown a woman and he hears what she is saying. Then in the other one the Lord tells him that he should be bold. I find that there were other ways as well. When he talks about Asia he says that the Holy Ghost constrains him from going there. I feel that the other way is how he feels.
My missionary efforts have been very wide. I have served a mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. This lasted for about two years were I was able to do exactly what Paul did. During these times the spirit would direct me to places and to people so that we could share the wonderful message to them. I can remember times when we would want to go one way but the spirit would tell us to not go that way but to go another way. There were times that we would feel uneasy about were we were and so we didn’t continue but we would go some were else. There was some times that we would not feel much. I found that this usually was because we were not doing the small things that the Lord wanted us to do. One way that we could increase the spirit in our efforts was to read the scriptures more abundantly. Studying them daily with real intent was one way that we could invite the spirit into our efforts.
Why was Paul able to preach the gospel so effectively?
There are many reasons that he was so successful. They were patient. They prayed unto the Lord oft. They also sang to praises unto the Lord. They taught with power and authority.
In what ways did Paul turn his experiences into missionary opportunities? He would show a miracle then teach the people about this power that He had. But most importantly he lived the way he was supposed to live. He prayed, sang, and did the Lords will.
What can you learn from Paul’s missionary experiences? I learn that we need to trust in the Lord. Give him our will. Take every moment that we have to find ways to show the Lords love to others. 
How is the jailer an example of a true convert? We can see that he truly took the message that he heard from Paul to heart. He saw the power of the Lord at hand but this was not all that shows us that he was a true convert. What he does afterwards really shows. He did all that He could to help Paul. He cleansed the wounds on their backs and he was baptized. He then fed them and told the “serjeants” to let them go. He then helped them leave. He went against what he used to stand for. He completely changed his life around.
How does Mosiah 4:9-10 expand your understanding of Acts 17:30-31? The Lord would want us to repent. And we also know that the Lord would have us remember that He is all knowing. He will be the judge to judge us. We may not comprehend all things but God does. We might not comprehend all what we must do or in a way be ignorant of the things that we need to do. This helps us to realize that we need to do all that we can with what we do know. We need to see that we Do these things.
What can you do now to better prepare yourself to share the gospel, whether as a full-time missionary or as a member? We can all read the scriptures more. My self I need to pray more. Not to just pray but with real intent. Will the power of God at my side, with the will of God. I need to have a stronger urgency for the scriptures and the Book of Mormon. When I start to do this I will begin to make the gospel way of life apart of my life. This will allow me to be a light unto the nations and the World. It will give me more opportunities to serve the Lord by sharing his message.