What does it mean to have a doctrine or a commandment written “in fleshy tables of the heart”?

Well there is a lot to this I feel that has to deal with the fleshy tables of our hearts. I have also wondered what this might mean. As I have read these scriptures I find that we need to have a understanding that leads us to aciton.

How do others see what is written in our hearts?

I would say others will be able to see what is written in the tables of our hearts by what we do. The first reaction or action will tell others what we have written in the tables of our hearts.

According to John 7:17 and Moroni 7:48, what are two ways to have a commandment or doctrine of the Church written on the fleshy tables of our hearts?

We can do his will I feel that this is one of the greatest ways that we can truly write a doctrine or commandment on the fleshy tables of the heart. And the other way is to pray for the will of God to be written in our hearts so that we can be filled with His love.

What is a doctrine that is written on the fleshy tables of your heart? What did you do to get it there?

I would say there are many doctrines that are written on the fleshy tables of my heart. Some are much more deep than others. One is of the truthfulness of The Book of Mormon. I know that it is true. How did I get to this point. Well I read it. But not just to read it. I took the book and tried to learn all that I could. I wanted to really understand what I was reading. Then I decided to to what it said. While I was in Centreville, Virginia I had a very vivid experience with The Book of Mormon. There was a pressure to read this book before the Christmas season which the time of year was November. I really wanted to do this so I started to read. I will be honest that some times I failed to read. On those days I felt alone, like there was something missing, I almost felt like I had forgotten a very large piece of some kind of armor. I was very shocked by this feeling. I was shocked in a good way. I felt that it was the best thing that ever happened to me. From then on I really wanted to know if it was true. With a few years of studying and really desiring to know I have found the answer that it is true. This didn’t come over night. I have really had to work on it. Now I try every day to still study from the words found in The Book of Mormon. Its not always easy but it is always worth it.