Hebrews 13

How should we treat strangers and those “in bonds”?
We should continue to love those people we should entertain strangers, we have no idea if they are an angel in disguise or not. When I think of entertaining someone I think of caring for them loving them making sure they are taken care of.
How is marriage looked upon?
Paul tells us that marriage is most honorable. We should get married because it is given to us by God.
What warnings are given about covetousness?
That we should not have any type or kind of covetousness talk, we should be content with what we have.
What is “the same yesterday, and today, and forever”?
God is the same. Even Jesus Christ.
How are we sanctified?
We are sanctified by the blood of the savior Jesus Christ and only by Him.
How do we respond to those who rule over us?
We need to follow them. The scriptures tell us to submit ourselves unto them. If they lead us wrong then it will be their fault, they will answer to God.
Who did Paul ask the people to pray for?
He asked the people to pray for the leaders of the church. They need all the help they can get.