Peter 1:1–9; 2:12, 15, 20–25; 3:11–16; 4:12–19
What if someone says that “Life isn’t fair. Why do I have to have so many trials? I’m tired of being ridiculed by those who do not keep the commandments.” We then can go to the scriptures that are mentioned above and we can then start to know what we should do when this situation occurs. As a natural man we want to dig ourselves a hole and then climb in. We have a hard time dealing with trials and ridicule. But we can react in such a way that we gain knowledge from it. Peter tells us of some great ways that we can and must take our trials patiently with faith.
How do we patiently strive though our trials with faith? We should not retaliate and fight back, but we should do good to those that despitefully use us. The scripture tells us that we should produce good works. This is how we must react. Be happy and allow the spirit of the Lord rest upon you. And if you suffer as a Christian then Love the Lord your God and praise Him for allowing you the privilege. I know that when we act as the Savior would then we are greatly blessed.