You can see that there are dimensions in the world.
There are zero dimensional things. such as a dot on a number line.

Or you can have a line. This is a one dimensional item. Where the line is the dimension.

You can even have a square or triangle. This is two dimensional. It resides on a plane.

Then you can have a cube which is three dimensional. This object resides in multiple planes.


And this could literally continue for ever but as a magority of the people now stop here.

We can apply this to any type of dimension.
We live in time. Now would or could be considered as a dot. It can only see or know of itself.

The aspect of living in time we can see our path behind us and that would be all we could see. We cant see our future and we cant see our destination we can only see what is now and what has happened.

This is basically all that we know of time. But does time have more dimensions?
If you can go another dimension, into a plane where you could see the end from the beginning like a triangle can see the other ends from one location.

This reminds me of a scripture in Mosiah that reads: Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend.
And in another scripture it reads that everything is before the Lord and that he can see all. D&C 38:1-2

I know that these things are true and we really only know just a little and what we do know is so miniscule. Time is so short but it is know. We can go to our Savior for help for he does truly see where we are going and He knows how to help us to return to our Heavenly Father.