Gold Nuggets – Part 1

Wow, What A Conference! I love to hear from all the wonderful leaders we have!I found that there was a large call to action this time. We need to step up on our Home Teaching, Fellow-shipping, scripture reading, and praying.I found so many great things in the...
Are you ready?

Are you ready?

The General Confrence of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is just around the corner, and there are lots of things happening in the world today. Are you ready for the change that will come? I am not forecasting anything that would be news worthy, but I...
Life as a Father of Four

Life as a Father of Four

Life as a father of four under four has really been a blast. The ride is amazing for all of those reading this. I can find my self pondering on the many blessings I receive daily because of these very amazing children. They are certainly the light of my life. I also...
Another Season about to close

Another Season about to close

So I am nearing the last bit of my Masters Degree. I have about 2 weeks left and I have much to show. There are lots of things that are happening and I am so grateful for the things that I have been able to do. It has been hard to keep focus through these last...


What does it mean to have twins?Some think, double cribs, double car seats, double trouble, double the bill, double the effort, double diapers, double effort, double the pain, and more. All of these things seem to have a negative connotations. Where things are hard...